Activity 1
Auto Technology Advances
- Break Explorers into groups of no more than four.
- Have them take approximately eight minutes to brainstorm as many ideas as possible in response to this statement: Name some of the newer advances in auto technology in recent years. Remind participants not to evaluate the ideas but just to list as many as possible in this step.
- Then bring the groups back together and have each one report on what they came up with. If you have a flip chart or white board available, list the ideas generated on the board. If multiple groups come up with a similar or the same idea, simply place a tally mark next to it when repeated.
- The goal is to provide an opportunity for participants to generate ideas and to see what they are already aware of. When the small groups are finished sharing their ideas, compare their list with the one below and see how many ideas the participants generated on their own. Discuss the ones they did not list.
- Foot-activated tailgate lift
- Dual temperature controls
- Parking/backing up sensors
- Multiple directional cameras
- GPS tracking
- Parental control devices
- Internet compatibility
- Automatic lights and high beam control
- Lane drift alerts
- Push-button starter or remote control starter
- Emergency avoidance control
- Obstacle detection