Social Services Career Exploring
Social Services Career Exploring is open to young men and women from the 6th grade to 20 years old with an interest in learning more about careers in the fields of Social Services.
Careers in the social services area include: child care workers, adult care givers, drug/alcohol counselors, human services workers, social/welfare workers, teachers/teachers’ aides, and many more. By providing hands-on work-related activities to students, social services professions and organizations help youth explore the skills, intricacies, demands, and needs of various social services careers.

The most popular Social Services careers include:
• Social worker
• Adult or child care attendant
• Dietician
• Drug / alcohol counselor
• Librarian
• Teacher, teacher aide
• Volunteer worker
• Youth organization professional
• Funeral director
• School counselor
• College professor
You will develop:
You will participate in hands-on projects to give you a real feel for whether this career is the right one for you.
You will network with professionals who work in these careers every day including human services workers, school counselors, child care workers, librarians and so many more!
You will learn about the educational requirements for a career in Social Services and will receive tangible advice on steps you could take now to prepare and position yourself for a successful career in the field of Social Services.
Social Services Career Exploring will provide you with the following benefits:
• Improved self-confidence
• Leadership experience and social network development
• Fun and Exciting “hands-on” career experiences
• Community service opportunities
• College & Career Readiness preparation
When do meetings take place?
Social Services Exploring posts typically meet on a bi-monthly basis during the school year. Most programs parallel the high school calendar and begin in the fall. There are a number of programs that start at other times during the year to meet the needs of the host organization and participants. Programs are flexible enough to fit in with other activities.
Program Costs
The Social Services Career Exploring program is very affordable with an annual program participation fee of $50. Special activities, events and conferences may cost more and would be determined by the local Exploring post. Individual programs may request an additional program fee and would be determined by the local Explorer post or club.
Social Services Career Activity Library
Enhance your learning experience by participating in career specific activities. Take a look!
Activity Library
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