Social Services Back
Assemble a lesson plan, meet a social worker, role-play a counseling session and more.
Feel free to submit your own ideas to exploring@lflmail.org.
This session focuses on questions. Well-designed questions are essential tools for teachers. These questions stimulate peer discussion and help students develop understanding of important concepts.
This session will provide participants an understanding about being a special education teacher and the unique environment in which special education teachers work.
This session focuses on reviewing professional development opportunities for teachers and planning a post trip to a professional organization meeting.
This session introduces key considerations of planning instruction for young adults interested in careers in education.
This session introduces ways for visual learners to accommodate other learning styles into their own approaches to learning.
This session introduces ways for tactile learners to accommodate other learning styles into their own approaches to learning.
This session introduces ways for auditory learners to accommodate other learning styles into their own approaches to learning.
This session will help participants become aware of their learning styles and how that awareness can help them become more effective learners.
This session will help Explorers understand that students learn in various ways, but despite differences in learning styles, all students can be successful.