Activity 1
Hand out the Learning Styles Quiz activity sheet and a pencil to each Explorer. Have them complete the quiz. This quiz will help each Explorer identify his or her unique learning style. This is the first step to being able to understand the optimum learning style(s) that is most impactful to each individual.
After completing the quiz, have Explorers tally how many A’s, B’s, and C’s they circled. Having mostly A’s indicates they are visual learners, mostly B’s indicates they are auditory listeners, and mostly C’s indicates they are tactile or kinesthetic listeners.
Discuss the three learning styles and see if Explorers can provide examples of each:
- Visual—drawing maps, outlining processes, taking notes, watching videos, reading silently
- Auditory—listening to speeches or videos, reading out loud, participating in group discussions
- Tactile/kinesthetic—taking field trips, visiting museums, playing learning games, doing hands-on activities, writing notes