Activity 1
Divide Explorers into pairs and give each pair a road map or a map of your local community printed out from an online source such as Google Maps. Provide two points on the map and have each pair of Explorers mark a path between those two points on their map.
Ask participants to describe the route they marked on the map.
Follow up with these questions:
- How did you decide to select your route?
- How many different ways are there to get to your destination?
- What are some reasons that you might take a different route?
- How did a map help you figure out the best way between two locations on the map?
- In what ways is a map like a plan?
- How would a map—or a plan—have helped with the Traffic Jam game played at the start of the meeting?
Make the following points:
- Teachers plan lessons for many of the same reasons that participants used a map to help them arrive at their destination.
- Our learning objectives provide our destination.
- The route we pick to reach that destination is based on what our students already know, what they do not understand, and the tools we have to reach that destination.
- Once we reach our destination, we take time to see what our students have learned.