This session helps participants identify learning style preferences.


  • Life Skills
  • Learning Styles


By the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Differentiate between three types of learning styles.
  • Identify their type of learning style.


  • Finding My Learning Style activity sheet
  • Pen or pencil

Advisor Note

Text in italics should be read aloud to participants. As you engage your post in activities each week, please include comments, discussions, and feedback to the group relating to Character, Leadership, and Ethics. These are important attributes that make a difference in the success of youth in the workplace and in life.

Activity 1


Share the Finding My Learning Style activity sheet with participants. Give them about five minutes to complete the survey and tally their responses.


After Explorers have had time to complete the worksheet, ask for volunteers to share their answers. Ask them if they scored highest in the area they thought they would or if they were surprised by their results.


Briefly review with the Explorers examples of each of the types of learning styles.

Examples you could provide would be:

  • Auditory—listening to speeches or videos, reading out loud, participating in group discussions
  • Visual—drawing maps, outlining processes, taking notes, watching videos
  • Tactile/kinesthetic—taking field trips, visiting museums, playing learning games


Transition into the reflection to close the session.

Advisor Note

Some sample questions are below. They are designed to help the participants apply what they have learned to their own interests. You are welcome to use these questions or to develop your own questions that relate to your post or specific focus area.


Focusing Questions

  • How did your result compare with what you believed about how you prefer to learn?

Analysis Questions

  • What can you learn from an assessment like this?
  • What does it mean for your ability to learn if you have a preference for one of these learning styles?
  • How can you use your learning style as a strength to support your learning?
  • How can you use your learning style as a strength in your potential career?

Generalization Questions

  • Why is this important?