Activity 1
Print out the following scenarios and cut them apart. Divide Explorers into four groups and give each group one of the scenarios to role-play, demonstrating how they could adapt what is described to better support the needs of a visual learner. After each role-play, have the entire group offer ideas about other ways the situation could be adapted.
1) In geography class, the teacher is reading to the class from the textbook. She also asks for volunteers to read to the class.
2) The teacher divides students into groups to prepare for class presentations. After collecting information, each group gives an oral report on its assigned subject.
3) Students are divided into groups of two. The groups will role-play a job interview, with one person conducting the interview and the other person being interviewed.
4) In science class, the teacher is reading from the book and reviewing the assignment with the students. After reviewing each section of information, the teacher stops and conducts an experiment to demonstrate the lesson just reviewed. When possible, the teacher allows a student to conduct the experiment instead.
Close the session with the reflection questions below.