Activity 1
Main Event
This is the sole activity for this meeting.
In advance of the meeting, arrange with a local used car dealer to visit his or her lot. Make sure there will be a designated employee present who can get access to the vehicles on the lot.
In addition, arrange to have a local car insurance broker, an expert in auto body repair, a local banker or consumer loan officer, and a reputable and knowledgeable automotive technician (if you choose not to do this yourself) onsite to work with the Explorers.
Tell the participants that they should wear two hats during this activity. Have them view this activity both as an individual buying a car and as an auto technician who might be asked to provide perspective on the car.
Meet at the car dealership and allow the Explorers to choose any car they wish to investigate. As the youth consider each vehicle, have your panel of experts contribute their opinions based upon their area of expertise. For example, the loan officer might discuss allowable loan limits based on industry standards or rates and terms of financing. The auto body expert might show the Explorers how to identify prior body damage or signs of previous accidents. The insurance broker might contribute the reasons why a certain car might cost more to insure than others. Encourage the Explorers to ask questions and discuss reasons why one car purchase may be wiser than another.