This activity is intended for Explorers to identify their unique characteristics and telling an audience about one’s self in a short, personal introduction.


  • Exploring, Communications
  • Professional Development – Build Self Confidence
  • Interpersonal and Professional Communication
  • Public Speaking


By the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Understand how a confident presentation of oneself enables greater opportunities.
  • Identify unique and positive characteristics about himself/herself.
  • Recognize and acknowledge one’s own accomplishments.
  • Write a concise description of oneself.
  • Give a one-minute personal introduction to a group of people.


  • Pencil & paper (or other capability to write and review notes.) for each Explorer
  • Photos of people in various professional attire
  • Projection capability (projector, computer, screen) to show photos and definitions
  • Language worksheet. One for each participant or projected on a screen

Advisor Note

Text in italics should be read aloud to participants. As you engage your post in activities each week, please include comments, discussions, and feedback to the group relating to Character, Leadership, and Ethics. These are important attributes that make a difference in the success of youth in the workplace and in life.


Activity 1: Identifying Positive Personal Characteristics

In this activity, Explorers will look inside themselves and write down their own accomplishments and what they want others to know about them.

Say: In a professional meeting or at the beginning of a group discussion, the first few minutes typically involve everyone introducing themselves.  When it is your turn, what are you prepared to say?  Solicit answers. I tell people my name, where I’m from, and what I’m doing “here” (in the particular situation).  This activity prepares you with a carefully thought out set of characteristics that you can choose from (any part or all) for any introductory situation. Having your key features ready at the tip of your tongue, ready for any situation demonstrates confidence and character.


Take a pen and paper.  Write down five characteristics about yourself that you would want others to know.  What about you do you think is most unique and interesting?  Encourage Explorers to identify positive characteristics.

Write down four groups/communities (i.e., family, church, school, sports, hobbies, work, etc.) you belong to.  For each group, write down your role(s) you have (i.e., family: I’m a big sister, oldest child; school: 8th grader, player on the softball team…etc.)

Now write down two of your accomplishments in each of the groups you listed. (i.e., perfect attendance at school; getting to the Exploring meeting on time, completing their work, winning a race, finishing a project, etc.)

Have the Explorers put these notes in a place they can refer to them for Activity #4. Alternatively, collect all the papers and save them for activity #4.

Activity 2: Personal Appearance

Hand out or have projected five to ten different photos/images of people dressed in different styles. Have them discuss the perceived image for each. Prompt them with three questions: In what profession(s) would this attire be appropriate? What does this person’s appearance say about him/her? What attire is appropriate for this Explorer Post during a Post meeting? Outside a Post meeting? Why?

Activity 3: Using Language: Simple and Direct

Hand out or view the information on Language: Unnecessary Jargon, Clichés, and Complexity. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of each in a self-introduction, in a report to Explorer Sponsors, and when recruiting others to join the Post.

Activity 4: Creating a Personal Introduction

Using the information gained in the previous 3 activities, have Explorers write a 200 to 300-word personal description of themselves.

Activity 5: Presenting Yourself

Have each Explorer practice their personal description out loud at least five times until each feels comfortable with the information.

Pair up Explorers and have them introduce themselves to their partners or have each present him/herself to the group, using notes.  Do not read the statement, present yourself with your own personality.  Ask each partner to provide positive feedback about the short presentation.  For example, “I didn’t know (fill in topic here) about you; how interesting!”  “It would be great if you could look at me/your audience.  Your focus was on your notes.” “Can you go into a little more detail about (fill in topic here)?”

Activity 6: Wrap-Up

Ask Explorers to provide their feedback about the series of activities.

Advisor Note

Some sample questions are below. They are designed to help the participants apply what they have learned to their own interests. You are welcome to use these questions or develop your own questions that relate to your post or specific focus area.

Did you have any difficulty identifying personal characteristics for yourself?

Where do you think your personal introduction be used in your life in the next month? Year?



If you were uncomfortable thinking and writing about yourself, has that discomfort subsided as you moved through the activities?
How did your description change from what you wrote to what you presented?
Do you think this exercise was useful for you? If so, how. If not, why not?
What support did you get from your partner?

Advisor and Officer review

After the meeting, address the following:

• Identify what was successful about the activity.
• Identify what needs improvement.
• Schedule an officer and Advisor planning meeting to prepare for the next Post meeting or activity.


Markle, Mike.  Writing in the Technical Fields: A step-by-step guide for Engineers, Scientists, and Technicians. New York, NY:  Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 1994. Chapter 8.