Activity 1
Play “Assembly Line.” This activity is not only an opening activity to get your Explorers moving and engaged, but it is also intended as a lead-in to the main event. The game is described in the attached resource sheet.
The format of this activity will in large part depend upon a guided discovery through open-ended questions and discussion. Be prepared with questions that may be specific to your company or environment.
In a safe room, such as a conference or meeting room that is free of obstacles, divide the post into smaller teams of three. Adult Advisors may be needed to fill out the teams. Identify a field of play by setting a starting line and a finish line. Ideally these would be marked by a table at each end. The distance between the starting line and the finish line should be no less than 12 feet but no more than 20 feet.
The object of the game is to assemble a small combination of parts, transport it from the start to the finish, and “inspect it.” The team that completes all of these tasks first is the winner.
On each team there will be three distinct roles/positions. They are:
- The Assembler
• The assembler’s job is to pick up a single machine bolt, slip a washer over it and secure it with a nut. The nut must be secured far enough down so as to expose the shaft of the bolt above the outer edge of the nut.
- The Transporter
• It is the transporter’s job to move the bolt assembly from the starting line to the finish line.
- The Inspector
• The inspector’s job is to make sure that all three components of the finished bolt assembly have arrived at the finish line by removing the nut and the washer from the bolt, and placing all three in an area no greater than 6 inches in diameter.
Once the teams are ready to begin, explain that;
- The assembler must keep both eyes closed at all times (or use a blindfold).
- The transporter must only use one of their feet (left or right) to transport the assembly. (The other must remain off the ground at all times during the transporting process.)
- The Inspector may only use one hand to complete their “inspection.” It may be desirable to have the Inspector place their non-used hand in their pocket.