Activity 1
Global Workplace Review and Discussion
Give each Explorer a copy of the Global Workplace Review and Discussion activity sheet. Divide participants into groups of two or three, and have the small groups review and discuss the issues on the sheet. Then ask for volunteers to share their small group’s ideas with the larger group.
If Explorers do not know the origin of a specific product or the ownership of a particular company, as asked for in the first item on the activity sheet, have them research this product or company on the internet. Consumer research of this kind can be an eye-opener.
For the second item about international commerce, the groups may also want to consider how the events of September 11, 2001, have affected global trade and tourism.
In your discussion of item five, encourage Explorers to think about possible economic, social, political, and environmental implications of the fact that increasing numbers of American companies consign work overseas to poorly paid workers in countries without environmental protection laws. How might this practice affect the Explorers and your community, as well as other parts of the world? You may want to mention the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and the World Trade Organization and their effects on the global workplace.