In case you haven’t heard the news, BSA has partnered with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to help bring career possibilities to youth across the country.
BSA and the Chamber of Commerce dropped the big news in a joint press release, explaining the decision to team up to help foster the skills of future professionals.
Thomas J. Donohue, president and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce (who is also an Eagle Scout), delivered a speech during BSA’s 2016 Top Hands conference, underscoring the significance of the partnership and how the new dynamic will benefit young people.
“If we combine our resources, our reputations, our reach and our shared message. … And let people know that we’re committed to improving our communities and the lives of young Americans, we can make a real difference,” Donohue said.
If you missed the announcement, catch up with a few key takeaways listed below, then head toScouting Newsroom for the full details!
Grow Exploring, grow Scouting
The growth of Exploring benefits Scouting as a whole. As Bryan on Scouting explains it, “When Exploring grows, a council develops powerful contacts within its community. That leads to new board members and potential donors, which lead to more capacity to grow Cub Scouting and Boy Scouting.”
Exploring strengthens local business
“Exploring is not just a good thing to do,” explained Donohue. “Exploring is a smart way to identify, train and recruit young talent.”
When businesses spend time with soon-to-be-professionals, they get the opportunity to scope out fresh talent and begin building company loyalty. Additionally, youth are able to gain an understanding of local economics within their own communities.
Youth get a crucial head start
There are a variety of new challenges associated with starting out in today’s workforce. Industry experience and a competitive skill set is all but required of young professionals, which can make it tricky to break into a new profession.
Through partnering with the Chamber of Commerce, Exploring will open new doors for youth, helping them to gain knowledge in a variety of career fields.
“With the support of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, we will connect even more young adults nationwide to business leaders in careers that speak to their passion,” Chief Scout Executive Michael Surbaugh said. “Besides the invaluable hands-on career experience the Exploring program creates, youth participants also gain confidence in their skills and meet with professionals who can help guide them on their path to success.”
Learn more about how the Exploring program is helping youth discover their future
For the full release, head to Scouting Newsroom, then check out the post by Bryan on Scouting for more ways this exciting new partnership can benefit your community!
Do you know any business owners who work with Exploring posts? Share how local enterprises are making a difference for youth in your community in the comments below!