Original article by Scoutingwire.org
Earlier this week, CBS This Morning aired a segment featuring law enforcement Exploring alumnus Officer Daniel Rodriguez from Orange County, California, and how the program positively impacted his upbringing.
In the piece, “Officer becomes man’s unlikely father figure,” the former Explorer explains that although his father was incarcerated for many years throughout Rodriguez’ childhood, he never felt resentment toward law enforcement. In fact, he even joined an Exploring post for aspiring police officers as a teen.
It was there Rodriguez met veteran officer and Exploring advisor Jason Perkins. Before long, Perkins was serving as Rodriguez’s mentor, playing an important role throughout his high school years, and in his time at the police academy.
Rodriguez, who now advises his own Exploring post at a nearby station, explained how he’s giving back through the very program that helped him.
“It came full circle for me. Working with the kids and trying to do my best at mentoring them, and using the skills that I kind of grasped from Jason, and trying to do what he’s done for me, for all the other kids.”
In the video from CBS This Morning, watch the two officers explain how the Exploring program benefitted both of them, then head to Exploring.org to find a post near you!
Photos & videos: CBS This Morning