Original article by Scoutingwire.org
Job reports often predict which careers will be most in-demand in the future, but how will we know if the future workforce is prepared to fill those roles? Or even still, what roles do today’s youth want to fill?
In a recent Exploring survey, 150,000 students from 6th to 12th grade were asked to gauge their interest in more than 200 career options. The Exploring team came away with some pretty interesting findings, including:
- STEM leads the pack with 45 percent of respondents interested in STEM careers, followed closely by career paths in arts and athletics.
- Only 3 percent of respondents expressed interest in skilled trades.
- Gender differences persist in engineering, health, business and technology.
- Exploring program poised to bridge the gap from career interests to career experiences
“In addition to informing career choices, the workplace experiences provided through Exploring can help debunk some of the stereotypes and social patterns that persist today,” Chief Scout Executive Michael Surbaugh explained. “If we can help students see that people from all walks of life can succeed in a wide range of fields, we can open their eyes to career opportunities that they may not have previously considered.”
The survey resulted in a top 10 list that ranged from in-demand medical positions like nurses and physicians to more aspirational positions like professional athletes, singers, and actors. The top 10 most popular careers include:1. Registered nurse
- 1.Registered nurse
- 2. Professional athlete
- 3. Artist
- 4. Musician/singer
- 5. Athletic trainer/sports medicine
- 6. Physician/surgeon
- 7. Actor/Actress
- 8. Veterinarian/Veterinary technician
- 9. Photographer
- 10. Mechanical engineer
Be sure to check out the video below, then read the full report for more information on Exploring’s Carer Interest Survey. CLICK HERE to learn how you can get involved with the Exploring program in your area.
Do you know someone who found their career path through Exploring? Share your story in the comments below!